The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP will elect Officers and Executive Committee Members At-Large on Saturday, November 7, 2020.

Online voting will take place at between 10am – 2pm, and a drop box will also be available. Members in good standing as of 5/1/20 who live and/or work in Chapel Hill or Carrboro are eligible to run for office. Candidate Consent forms are available on or by email request to
The election process is governed by National Bylaws for Units. As such, during the 9/5/20 (1pm) membership meeting (via Zoom), members shall vote to determine the number of members to be elected to the nominating committee (5-15), the number of At-Large Exec Committee Members (10-24) and elect the Nominating Committee.
During the 1pm 10/3/20 membership meeting, the nominating committee will submit a written report and present signed consent forms to the branch Secretary. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. The Election Supervisory Committee will also be elected during that meeting.
More information about branch elections can be found at