To improve the Election Day voting experience for Orange County residents, the Board of Elections is considering several changes to precinct lines in Orange County.
"Pursuant to Session Law 2019-16, the Orange County Board of Elections has taken up an offer from the North Carolina State Board of Elections to evaluate our current precincts lines and make recommendations to the State Board of Elections for any changes," said Jamie Cox, Orange County Board of Elections Chair.
"As a county where a majority of our voters cast their ballots during the One Stop Early Voting period, we want to use this opportunity to make sure that our precincts are drawn in a way that provides the most convenient experience for our voters while optimizing use of public resources. We want to make sure that changes are beneficial without being overly disruptive.
"We are committed to conducting this process in an open, transparent way, and hope to hear the thoughts of as many stake-holders throughout the county as possible to ensure all voices are heard."
The Board of Elections will host a public forum on Thursday, Aug. 29, at 6 p.m. at elections headquarters (208 S. Cameron St., Hillsborough, NC 27278). Board members and staff will be on hand to answer questions.
The proposed changes are available on the Orange County website and may impact numerous precincts. Public comment will be accepted until noon on Friday, Sept. 6, 2019.