The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP's Education Committee partnered recently with McDougle
Elementary and the Chapel Hill Public Library to host a free screening of the film The Right to Read, followed by a panel discussion. This event was informed by the NAACP’s mission to eliminate achievement gaps, and is aligned with one of our branch’s four priorities for 2024 – “Accountability in CHCCS.”
In addition to the screening and discussion, the more than 85 attendees were provided with data regarding reading proficiency by demographics and resources related to research-based reading instruction.
In an effort to focus the discussion on our local landscape, all participants were CHCCS
educators and/or parents: Patricia Albornoz (Elementary Teacher), Eugenia Floyd (Specialist in Instructional and Curricular Equity), Meri Harper (Pediatrician), Kirtisha Jones (Elementary
Principal), Jocelyn Miller (Former Middle School CTE Teacher), and Joya Sutton (Title 1 Interventionist). Allison Willis (School Systems Leader) served as Moderator.
