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You've absorbed the daily news with distress. You've vented with friends and family. You've debated on social media. You've written letters, called your reps, marched, and rallied. Now that it's election season, it's time to channel your frustration into the one power that gives us the most direct say in our democracy. And we need to exercise that power -- a power so many fought so hard to win -- in great numbers.

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP has been handpicked by the state conference for a special voter registration drive. And this Saturday, July 7, from Noon to 1pm at the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association (RENA) community center, the Political Action committee invites all interested people to attend an informative training session for registering voters.

If you are unable to attend but are still interested in registering voters (every little bit helps, 5, 10, 20), please contact us at Either Diane Robertson or Mike Ogle will answer your questions and get you some blank voter registration forms for your own efforts. There are many other organizations conducting more detailed voter registration efforts as well, such as You Can Vote. Their website provides a great deal of information and opportunities to get involved.

Forward Together,

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Political Action Committee

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