Message from the Director of Orange County Board of Elections:
There will be two lines at each early voting location, one for those voting early and one for those returning absentee ballots. Inside each early voting location will be a station solely for voters to return their ballot and complete the ballot return log.
Orange County Board of Elections Early Voting Schedule/Sites (Thursday, October 15 - Saturday, October 31, 2020):
Orange Works at Hillsborough Commons: 113 Mayo St, Hillsborough
Carrboro Town Hall: 301 W Main St, Carrboro
Chapel of the Cross: 304 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill
Efland Ruritan Club: 3009 Forrest Avenue, Efland
Seymour Senior Center: 2551 Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill
University Mall: 201 S Estes Dr, Chapel Hill