People in possession of unwanted firearms will be able to safely remove them from their homes at the Community Church of Chapel Hill (106 Purefoy Rd.) on Oct. 9 from 2-3 pm. At the give back event, proper possession permits will be available for the sponsors to receive the weapons that will be chopped and rendered useless. The gun scraps will then be taken to the metal recyclery the following week. Security personnel will be on hand to ensure a safe event for all participants.
Those participating should do the following:
Make sure that the gun is not loaded and does not have any bullets in any chamber or magazine. Ammunition cannot be taken at the Gun Give Back event.
Place all guns in your trunk or rear storage area of your vehicle.
When you arrive at the parking lot, release the trunk or rear storage area to open it up. Do not exit your vehicle.
Trained security personnel will take the gun out of the trunk, check its serial number, and take the gun.
This Gun Give Back event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 9 at the Community Church of Chapel Hill from 2-3 pm.