In July 2020 the CHCCS Board of Education established a School Safety Task Force. The purpose of the task force was to make recommendations to the Board by June of 2021 regarding improvements to school safety and security, and whether to maintain the district's School Resource Officer (SRO) program. SROs are sworn law enforcement officers assigned to each middle school and high school. In July of 2021, the Board granted a 1-year extension of the task force’s work.
Below are opportunities for the public to receive updates on the task force's work, examine the timeline for the school safety and security review process, and provide input on the Board's decision, which is currently scheduled to take place at its June 16, 2022, meeting.
Thursday, April 7: 6 p.m. (Please note the earlier than usual start time of 6 p.m.!)
School Board Work Session and Public Hearing (in-person.)
Topics: Update to the Board of Education on the work of the School Safety Task force and options concerning the SRO program.
Location: Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Rd., Chapel Hill.
Thursday, April 14: 6-7 p.m.
Community Information and Input Session (Virtual - Open to the Public.)
Topics: Update on the work of the School Safety Task Force, the SRO program, and school safety/security.
Participate via Zoom: Register here - Link
Thursday, June 2: 7 p.m.
School Board Meeting: Superintendent’s Update
Topic: Administration’s final report to the Board. Enhancements to school safety and security and whether to maintain the SRO program in CHCCS middle schools and high schools.
Location: Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Rd., Chapel Hill.
Thursday, June 16: 7 p.m. (approximately)
School Board Meeting: Discussion & Action
Topic: Enhancements to school safety and security and whether to maintain the SRO program in CHCCS middle schools and high schools.
Location: Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Rd., Chapel Hill.