The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP branch is organizing an informational forum on the “Tax Cut and Jobs Act” that will be held Tuesday, December 12 at the Chapel Hill Library from 6:30 to 8 PM. At the forum, we will have expert panelists bring you the most up to date information available on the bill as well as strategies for opposing it.
We’re organizing this forum because too few North Carolinians understand that 400,000 North Carolinians will immediately lose health insurance if this bill is passed.
While the very wealthiest North Carolinians will get an average $5,050 tax cut, the bottom 60 percent of North Carolinians will be hit with an average $290 tax increase. This tax bill will balloon the federal deficit by $1.5 trillion, and that means that Medicare—a vital healthcare lifeline for seniors—will be cut by $25 billion in North Carolina beginning in January, just weeks from now.
The lack of awareness is no surprise, as the GOP led congress has brought this bill within weeks of becoming law without any hearings, input from tax and public policy experts, or fiscal scoring.
The presenting panelists will be:
Samuel Gunter Director of Policy & Advocacy, North Carolina Housing Coalition
Alexandra Sirota Director of Budget and Tax Center, North Carolina Justice Center
Allan Freyer Director of Workers’ Rights, North Carolina Justice Center
Attend the forum on Tuesday, December 12, from 6:30 to 8 pm.