Students hoping to attend college can get the information they need at two presentations for the Youth Council at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, Sept. 9 and 23.
They will learn how to make themselves strong applicants, how to distinguish among schools, and how to control those parts of the application they can control. College applications are an ACTIVE and not a passive matter.
The presentations are offered by Dr. Jane S. Gabin, an NAACP member and resident of Chapel Hill, who has taught at Chapel Hill High School, worked in the admissions office of UNC-Chapel Hill for 10 years and then was a college counselor at schools in the New York City area for another 11 years.
Gabin is a member of NACAC (National Association of College Admission Counselors) and SACAC (Southern Association of College Admission Counselors). She knows the admissions process from all sides and wants to empower students with solid, truthful information.
Students, parents, representatives of community organizations, and anyone interested in the education of young people are encouraged to attend.
Here is the link to register for the Sept. 9 session. Sept 23 session link coming soon.